Compliance Checklist
PAC Start-up
- Identify a Treasurer
- Secure a separate TIN number for the PAC
- Open a bank account
- File the FEC Form 1 within 10 days of decision to start PAC
- Identify an Assistant Treasurer (cannot accept or disburse funds without a treasurer; assistant treasurer acts as treasurer in absence)
- Vote on a recommendation to the Board to start a PAC (thereby giving you an official decision timeframe)
- Establish governance for the PAC for transparency – bylaws, procedures, etc.
- Create a PAC “team” and document all procedures
Compliance Checklist
- Receipts deposited within 10 days of receipt
- Disbursements issued and delivered to recipient immediately
- Receipts and disbursement data entry completed timely
- Bank account reconciled monthly following close of month
- FEC report prepared and reviewed for accuracy before filing
- Set goals and objectives
- Plan solicitation strategy and timeframe
- Prepare Prior Approval letters for member organizations
- Prepare solicitation materials
- Evaluate success
Ongoing Efforts
- Communications to PAC members
- Communications to PAC Board